Shunsuke Tsuchiya
Shunsuke Tsuchiya
コンポーザー / アレンジャー
代表作:『アナザーエデン 時空を超える猫』、『鬼ノ哭ク邦』、『even if TEMPEST』シリーズ、『ダンジョン飯』
Composer / Arranger
Major Works: Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space, ONINAKI, the even if TEMPEST series, Delicious in Dungeon
ミューズ音楽院卒業後、音楽制作チームを結成しフリーで幅広く活動。2007年プロキオン・スタジオ入社。入社後は『アナザーエデン 時空を超える猫』、『鬼ノ哭ク邦』など、RPGゲーム音楽を中心とした作品を手がける他、『even if TEMPEST』シリーズなど乙女ゲームへの提供も幅広く行っている。近年ではゲームにとどまらず、アニメ『ダンジョン飯』の作編曲も手がけた。オーケストラやロックを中心としながらも、ファンク、トランス、ジャズなど幅広いジャンルの音楽に精通。メロディだけで作品の情景やシーンが鮮明に浮かぶような楽曲を作ることを信条とし、熱い戦闘曲や、弦とピアノによる繊細な楽曲が特に人気を博している。『サウンド&レコーディング・マガジン』を中心に執筆活動やインタビューも掲載され、作曲以外にも精力的に活動を広げている。柔らかな物腰と天然な一面を時折見せ周囲を和ませながら、三児の父としても奮闘中。
After graduating from the Muse Academy of Music, Shunsuke Tsuchiya formed a music production team and worked as a freelancer on a wide range of projects. He later joined Procyon Studio in 2007. Since joining, Tsuchiya has worked on a large variety of different projects ranging from RPGs such as Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space and ONINAKI to Otome games such as the even if TEMPEST series, among many other titles. Recently, he has not only been working on games, but also composed and arranged music for the anime Delicious in Dungeon.
While having a focus on orchestral and rock genres, Tsuchiya is also well versed in a wide range of other genres including funk, trance and jazz. He is a firm believer in creating music in which even the melody alone vividly expresses the work's atmosphere and its various scenes. His intense battle themes and delicate string and piano pieces are particularly popular.
Tsuchiya has also been expanding his work beyond just composing with interviews and articles featured in various publications, including Sound & Recording Magazine. Often making everyone around him feel at ease through his tender demeanor and natural side, he is also a hardworking father of three.

Shunsuke’s Comment
Shunsuke’s Comment
When creating something, the most important thing for me is smooth communication between those involved in the project. Within that framework and with a sense of optimism, I ambitiously work hard to proactively provide my own musical expressions. It is often said that there is no right or wrong in music. However, I believe it is possible to create "the most suitable music" for any particular work. I hope to create music that stays in everyone's hearts.